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General Supplier Information

Creating supplier relationships to deliver innovative and integrated solutions to meet and anticipate the needs of our customers

A collaborative supplier relationship is crucial in our effort to deliver strong, sustainable and secure services at TD. Our central sourcing function is how we create and maintain these relationships with the end goal of better serving customers, communities and lines of business, while contributing to our sustainability goals.

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What Suppliers Need to Know

Suppliers We Value

We are looking for suppliers that share our same high standards of business conduct and integrity, whether it's for products and services, or cost optimization, and a commitment to TD's Purpose and Commitments.

Business Environment

Suppliers must be aware of and understand the business environment and regulatory nature of our business. We appreciate suppliers who can share in our challenges to help find the best possible solutions and align with TD's Ready Commitment.

Due Diligence

As part of our minimum due diligence process, our suppliers are required to:

  • register on our Supplier Portal;
  • review, accept and adhere to our Supplier Code of Conduct;
  • review, accept, execute and adhere to our NDA; and
  • review and accept the Registration and Acknowledgement during the Supplier Registration process.

Supplier Accessing TD Sensitive Data & TD Requirements

Suppliers who will have access to sensitive TD data must meet TD's minimum control requirements before working with us. Typically, once TD makes a decision to engage with a prospective supplier, our Third-Party Risk team will perform an extensive risk assessment of the supplier. This risk assessment helps TD analyze the prospective supplier’s controls, which include security, availability, vulnerabilities and system access.

Additional requirements, based on the goods and/or services, will be provided during the sourcing process.

Engage with TD

Prospective Suppliers

If your company is interested in becoming a prospective supplier for TD and/or any of its subsidiaries or affiliates, please submit a Supplier Request electronically.

TD's Supplier Registration1 Review Process:

  1. Prospective Suppliers will need to submit a Supplier Request electronically.
  2. Suppliers will receive a Supplier Registration Questionnaire upon approval of the Supplier Request.
  3. TD will review the submitted Registration Questionnaire in detail and approve registration for those Suppliers that may meet TD's requirements whom may be invited to competitive sourcing events as applicable.

1 Please note that all bids are made in the competitive marketplace. Registering your company does not automatically place your company on a “bidder’s list”, nor does it constitute approval of your firm as a TD Supplier or obligate TD to solicit requests for quotations.

Sourcing and Transaction Platform

We use the SAP Ariba cloud software procurement tool to manage our end-to-end sourcing needs. This enterprise-wide tool supports:

  • Supplier registration
  • Supplier lifecycle management
  • Sourcing projects (including RFxs)
  • Contract management, negotiations and execution
  • Purchase order and invoice processing (coming soon)

Responsible Sourcing Programs

Supplier Diversity

At TD Bank Group, we believe diversity is a key contributor to success in the competitive global marketplace. Our commitment to diversity is a fundamental element of how we do business today and in the future. TD Bank Group believes its Supplier Diversity Program is necessary to achieving its goal of being the better bank.

To be eligible for our Supplier Diversity Program, a supplier must be certified as any of the following:

  • 51% Aboriginal-owned and operated business;
  • 51% Minority-owned and operated business;
  • 51% Woman-owned and operated business, or
  • 51% Gay/Lesbian/Bisexual/Transgender - owned and operated business
  • 51% Owned and operated by a member of other recognized diverse communities (i.e. Persons with Disabilities, Service-Disabled Veteran-owned, Veteran etc.)

by one of the following councils:

  • Canadian Aboriginal & Minority Supplier Council (CAMSC)
  • Women Business Enterprises Canada (WBE Canada)
  • Canadian Gay and Lesbian Chamber of Commerce (CGLCC)
  • Inclusive Workplace and Supply Council of Canada (IWSCC)
  • WEConnect International in Canada
  • National Minority Supplier Development Council (NMSDC)
  • Women's Business Enterprise National Council (WBENC)
  • National Gay and Lesbian Chamber of Commerce (NGLCC)
  • Disability: IN (formerly US Business Leadership Network – USBLN)
  • Any other recognized Certifying Organizations

If you would like to register as a diverse supplier with the TD Bank Group, please complete and submit the Registration Form.

TD Supplier Code of Conduct – November 2019

TD’s Supplier Code of Conduct describes TD’s expectations of how its suppliers conduct business and interact with TD. The code reflects and frames the values and standards that TD expects suppliers and their subcontractors to adhere to when engaged in business with TD. Depending on the nature of the good or service being sourced, TD may have additional requirements which are specified during the procurement process and the ongoing management and monitoring of the relationship.

TD is committed to source products and services from suppliers who respect human rights, ethics and the environment and have responsible policies and practices. Specifically, we expect our suppliers to operate in a manner that is consistent with these values and that is appropriate and relevant to their respective products, services and industries.

Suppliers are expected to have guidelines, policies and practices that are communicated throughout the organization, upheld by all levels of management, and considered in and applied to their own supply chain activities. These must address the following:

Protection of Human Rights

Respect for basic human rights, including rights to life and liberty, freedom of thought and expression, and equality; No tolerance for and protections against workplace harassment or abuse, violence and discrimination (including for reasons of a person's race, colour, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity, national origin, religion, veteran status or disability)

Protection of Health and Safety

A culture of safety and supporting practices, minimizing risk of injury, illness or death, and documented safety procedures (including accident reporting and emergency evacuation)

Fair Labour Practices

No tolerance for use of any form of child or forced labour, slavery or human trafficking, in any operations or facilities; compliance with applicable labour laws, including those relating to wage rates and conditions of employment

Code of Conduct and Ethics

Guidelines for workplace performance that define organizational expectations in respect of ethical, moral, and legal behaviours

Diversity and Inclusion

Commitment within the workplace for diversity, including hiring and promoting based on merit and providing equal opportunity

Anti-bribery/ Anti-corruption

Prohibition of conduct that could violate anti-bribery and/or anti-corruption laws

Environmental Sustainability

Proactive management to ensure that applicable environmental standards are reflected in supplier operations, and to minimize and mitigate environmental impacts

Legal and Regulatory Compliance

Compliance with applicable laws and regulatory requirements applicable to supplier, and to goods and services being provided

Corporate Responsibility

Policies and practices that demonstrate a commitment to corporate responsibility for environmental, social and ethical matters

Supplier Diversity

Support TD's supplier diversity initiatives by providing diverse businesses with a fair opportunity to bid and acquire supply chain contract opportunities and by providing relevant reporting. Examples of diverse suppliers include Aboriginal, visible minority, woman, veteran, disabled and LGBTQ2+ owned and operated businesses. Suppliers are expected to integrate supplier diversity in their operations and in their subcontractor decisions.

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