10 tips to go green on campus (and go paperless)

1. Go tray-less

Skipping the tray in your cafeteria will cut down the number of items that need to be washed each meal. Also, try to avoid disposable containers. Try to find compostable containers or dishes that can be washed.

2. Carry a water bottle

This way you can fill up for free (and save tons of money on bottles of water) and reduce the amount of plastic you are using.

3. Walk or bike

Most campuses are designed to be walk-able and have bike trails to get between classes. So leave your car at home and get some exercise. Or if you live farther away, carpool or take public transportation.

4. Keep a re-useable bag on you

That way if you pop into the store after class, you don’t need a plastic bag.

5. Thrift

There is so much awesome clothing at consignment, thrift and second hand stores. And this kind of shopping is not only a great way to reuse clothes, but it can also save you serious bucks. Bonus.

6. Participate in Meatless Mondays

The meat industry produces a lot of greenhouse gases1. If you cut down on your meat consumption (even by just by one meal a week) you can do your part to reduce those gases.

7. Use less paper

Take notes on a laptop or tablet. Keep track of important dates on your phone instead of a paper calendar. Submit assignments online. These kinds of easy switches will dramatically lower the amount of paper you use each school year.

8. Unplug your devices when not in use

Often when you are a student you don’t need to worry about paying for your utilities. But that doesn’t mean you shouldn’t be aware of how much energy you use. Many devices use electricity even when they aren’t turned on. So unplug them and use less energy.

9. Get paperless billing

You will probably have more bills now that you are in university or college. But that doesn’t mean you need to use more paper. Call your service providers to switch to paperless billing. You can also get Online Statements for any of your Credit Card or loan statements with TD.

10. Donate your student furniture at the end of the year

If you have stuff at the end of the year you no longer need but is in good condition (dishes, furniture, appliances) don’t throw them out! Donate them so they can find a new home.

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