Sustainable Investing

Our investment thesis involves an integrated engagement approach to Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) factors. As investors in an array of investment classes, we believe we have a role to play in positively influencing ESG improvements.

We focus on ESG-related issues that may impact the long-term value of an investment. 

Our Stewardship Approach

We engage with companies when we believe we need more clarity on how they are approaching ESG-related issues or to advocate for changes which we believe may benefit shareholders in the long run. We are also committed to acting as true stewards of our clients' capital through active proxy voting and collaborating with industry participants.

TD Asset Management and TD Epoch are members or supporters of,  or signatories to, the following organizations:

TD Asset Management

TD Epoch

Our Climate Change Principles

We consider climate change a systemic risk affecting economies, companies, and investors. Our approach to climate change is aligned with our overall philosophy of integrating all sources of risk and return in our investment processes.

As an investment manager of diversified asset classes, we consider climate change as an important area of focus. We actively engage with companies and leverage our asset ownership positions to encourage improvements in industry collaborations including Climate Action 100+, CDP, and the UNEP FI TCFD investor pilots, with the first two furthering our company engagement efforts and the latter developing a better understanding of climate related investment risks.

Our approach continues to evolve to help position our portfolios to capitalize on investment opportunities arising from an accelerated transition to a low carbon economy and manage climate-related physical and transition risks.

Our Dedicated Teams

Our dedicated ESG Research and Engagement Teams support our investment teams with ESG research, ESG integration and stewardship efforts.

  • Managing Director, Head of the ESG Research and Engagement Team, TD Asset Management Inc.
  • Director, Head of ESG, Epoch Investment Partners Inc.

ESG Integration

We strive for an integrated ESG engagement process for our investment products. We proactively evolve as ESG data matures, materiality comes into focus, and regulatory frameworks expand market awareness. Under this approach, material ESG factors are reviewed alongside traditional investment criteria. Implications arise if an ESG factor changes the intended risk or return profile of an investment.

ESG Resources

For a greater understanding of specific ESG topics, browse and read through our detailed resources, including frameworks and in-depth reporting.

Related Insights

Sustainable Investing/ESG

April 19 2022

In this episode, we discuss the current state of investment markets, amid COVID-19 and the burgeoning conflict in Europe, and the approach to changing mandates at TDAM.

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Ingrid Macintosh, Vice President, TD Asset Management; David Sykes, CFA Chief Investment Officer, TD Asset Management; Justin Flowerday, Managing Director, TD Asset Management

Sustainable Investing / ESG

January 24 2020

In this episode, we define what ESG (Environmental, Social and Governance) stands for and how it fits within our investing framework. We also explore the challenges of implementing ESG screening and integration. 

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Speaker: Damian Fernandes, CFA, Managing Director, TD Asset Management; Mark Cestnik, CFA, Managing Director, TD Asset Management

Investment Insights

September 28 2021

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Ingrid Macintosh, Vice President, TD Asset Management; Robert Pemberton, Managing Director and Head of Fixed Income