What is your TD Wealth Personality™ profile?

Answer a few short questions to discover how you make your financial and investing decisions. Contact a TD Wealth advisor for the full assessment, and remember:

  • Be quick - don't spend more than five seconds on each one
  • Be honest - answer as you are, not how you wish to be

This assessment does not provide investing or risk tolerance advice and it's anonymous. No personal information will be requested, collected, processed, used, or stored as a result of completing this assessment.

Be quick and honest - take just 5 seconds!

1 of 8

I like order

Be quick and honest - take just 5 seconds!

2 of 8

I get upset easily

Be quick and honest - take just 5 seconds!

3 of 8

I often forget to put things back in their proper place

Be quick and honest - take just 5 seconds!

4 of 8

I am relaxed most of the time

Be quick and honest - take just 5 seconds!

5 of 8

I get chores done right away

Be quick and honest - take just 5 seconds!

6 of 8

I have frequent mood swings

Be quick and honest - take just 5 seconds!

7 of 8

I make a mess of things

Be quick and honest - take just 5 seconds!

8 of 8

I seldom feel sad

A preview of your results

These results below are only a sample of what you would receive when you conduct the complete Wealth Personality™ assessment with a TD Wealth advisor.

Your Wealth Personality™ profile

2 of your 5 unique personality dimensions that may impact how you make financial and investing decisions.

  • This may be you...
  • Consider...

  • This may be you...
  • Consider...

Your financial and investing blind spots

Just like driving a car, we all have blind spots. Here may be two of yours.

Interested in learning more?
Take the full assessment with an advisor today.

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Let a TD representative guide you toward an advisor.

1-844-989-1345 1-844-989-1345

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Answer a few questions to help find an advisor online.

Have us call you

Request a call from a TD representative to answer your questions at a time that suits you.