Material Topic: Financial and Economic Inclusion

GRI 103: Management Approach 2016

Reference or Response
103-1Explanation of the material topic and its Boundary

ESG Report page 54
ESG Report: 2021 Performance Data page 3

Our success is deeply interconnected with the well-being of communities that support our business, as well as the relationships we have in the communities we serve. We want to see our communities thrive. Not only is it the right thing to do to help ensure access to financial services, but economies grow faster and for longer periods when prosperity is distributed more equitably across segments of the population.1 There continues to be economic fallout from COVID-19, particularly among low-income and marginalized communities.3 While economies are beginning to recover after the initial shock of the pandemic, many individuals and communities continue to struggle to save or maintain their financial health. In order to continue serving the unique needs of our customers and help them to address the negative impacts of the pandemic, TD focuses on providing equitable access to banking and addressing our customers' financial health and education. This is core to our journey to foster financial inclusion and promote inclusive economic growth across our footprint.3


103-2The management approach and its components

ESG Report page 54
TDRC Report
TD Ready Commitment and The TD Ready Challenge

Accountability: Enterprise Risk Management Committee (Group Head and Chief Risk Officer); SET ESG Forum (Group Head and General Counsel), Community Investment Council (SVP, Sustainability and Corporate Citizenship).

Ways we measure our approach: Accessibility of our products and services, reach of financial education initiatives in diverse communities and for diverse groups, economic value distributed, responsible sourcing practices, philanthropic donations (1% of pre-tax profit as benchmark of corporate donations, progress against our $1 billion commitment, % of corporate giving to initiatives that aim to deliver on TD Ready Commitment outcomes

103-3Evaluation of the management approach
ESG Report page 54

GRI 201: Economic Performance 2016

201-1Direct economic value generated and distributed
ESG Report pages 60-62 on Economic Value.
SDG Target 8.1: Per capita economic growth in accordance with national circumstances.
G4FS-EC1Direct economic value generated and distributed- community investment
ESG Report pages 63-64 on Strategic Philanthropy.
SDG Target 8.1: Per capita economic growth in accordance with national circumstances.
G4FS-6Amount of loans to programs designated to promote small business and community
ESG Report: 2021 Performance Data page 98 on community development loans and page 97 for loans to small businesses.
SDG Target 8.3: Job creation and entrepreneurship.
G4FS-14Access points in low-populated or economically disadvantaged areas by type
ESG Report pagea 55-56 on serving diverse customers.
PAS page 8
New to Canada website
TD and Indigenous Communities in Canada 2019 Report
G4FS-13Initiatives to improve access to financial services for disadvantaged people
ESG Report pages 58-59 on financial inclusion, health, and education.
TD and Indigenous Communities in Canada 2019 Report
SDG Target 8.10: Access to banking for all
G4FS-16Initiatives to enhance financial literacy by type of beneficiary
ESG Report page 59 on Financial Education
TDRC Report page 6 on Financial Education
SDG Target 1.4: Equal rights to economic resources

Material Topic: Social Inclusion

GRI 103: Management Approach 2016

103-1Explanation of the material topic and its Boundary

ESG Report pages 63-64

We strive to make a positive impact through our operations, and we are dedicated to supporting and helping expand the economic and social capacity of our communities. Healthy communities are built on effective community organizations and institutions, skilled people, strong civil and political engagement, local leadership and strong economies and are what make our communities sustainable in the long run. It is critical for companies to acknowledge and manage issues associated with inequality and racism. As a large financial institution with economic influence, TD recognizes that it has a role to play in fostering the communities in which it operates and in encouraging the advancement of a diverse and inclusive society.

103-2The management approach and its components

ESG Report pages 63-64
TDRC Report
TD Ready Commitment and The TD Ready Challenge

Accountability: Enterprise Risk Management Committee (Group Head and Chief Risk Officer); SET ESG Forum (Group Head and General Counsel), Community Investment Council (SVP, Sustainability and Corporate Citizenship).

Ways we measure our approach: Workforce diversity and inclusion measures and commitments, sustainable finance measures and commitments, affordable housing initiatives, philanthropic donations (1% of pre-tax profit as benchmark of corporate donations, progress against our $1 billion commitment, % of corporate giving to initiatives that aim to deliver on TD Ready Commitment outcomes).

103-3Evaluation of the management approach
ESG Report pages 63-64

GRI 203: Indirect Economic Impacts 2016

203-1Infrastructure investments and services supported
ESG Report page 64 and TDRC Report page 8 on Affordable housing.
ESG Report page 44 on Sustainable Debt Financing
ESG Report page 40 on Support to the Low Carbon economy
TD Sustainability Bond (2020) Issuance – Use of Proceeds
203-2Significant indirect economic impacts
ESG Report pages 63-64 on Strategic Philanthropy for impacts of TD’s giving.
ESG Report pages 55-56 on Serving diverse customers for information on how TD is lowering the barriers for banking.
ESG Report page 64 on Affordable Housing for information on how TD is reinvesting in low- to moderate-income communities.
ESG Report page 34 on Taxes for information on taxes TD pays and collects on behalf of governments in the countries and regions where we operate.

GRI 413: Local Communities 2016

413-1Operations with local community engagement, impact assessments, and development programs

In the U.S., community engagement, impact assessment and development programs are federally legislated by the Community Reinvestment Act.

ESG Report pages 63-64 on Strategic Philanthropy.
ESG Report pages 63-64 on Supporting underserved U.S. communities.
ESG Report page 16 on How We Listen to Stakeholders.

SDG Target 10.2: The social, economic and political inclusion for all.
413-2Operations with significant actual and potential negative impacts on local communities
PAS page 11 and 12 on openings and closures of branches in Canada.

GRI 419: Socioeconomic Compliance 2016

419-1Non-compliance with laws and regulations in the social and economic arena
ESG Report: 2021 Performance Data page 85

TD specific metric

Hours volunteered by TD employees
ESG Report page 65

Material Topic: Customer Experience

GRI 103: Management Approach 2016

103-1Explanation of the material topic and its Boundary
ESG Report page 68
ESG Reporting Details page 3
We are committed to delivering exceptional customer experiences across all our customer touchpoints to deliver personal and connected interactions with our customers, which is particularly important in challenging times, such as during the COVID-19 pandemic. COVID-19 shifted customer expectations and dramatically altered how they engaged with their bank, with millions of customers turning to digital banking. TD is focused on continuing to innovate to meet and exceed evolving customer expectations. As we deal with the longer-term impacts of the pandemic, we know quick and efficient responses to customer inquiries continue to be imperative.
103-2The management approach and its components

ESG Report page 68
Online Communication Policy
Specific Regulatory Compliance Policies
TD Code of Conduct and Ethics
Codes of Conduct and Public Commitments

Accountability: Group Head and General Counsel, shared accountability across Compliance, Marketing, Product Groups and Distribution

Ways we measure our approach: Legendary Experience Index (LEI) results, sales, customer retention, customer feedback, robustness of complaint resolution process, training initiatives for our front-line employees, investment in technology, and awards.

103-3Evaluation of the management approach
ESG Report page 68

TD specific metric

Legendary Experience Index- LEI
ESG Report page 68
ESG Report: 2021 Performance Data page 99
Customer Complaint Resolution and Breakdown of Complaints
ESG Report: 2021 Performance Data page 99

Material Topic: Diversity & Inclusion

GRI 103: Management Approach 2016

103-1Explanation of the material topic and its Boundary

ESG Report page 73
ESG Reporting Details page 3

We strongly believe that in order to successfully serve our customers, TD needs to reflect the diversity of our communities and foster an inclusive corporate culture. Diversity and inclusion have remained strategic priorities for TD for over a decade. The disproportionate impacts of the pandemic, incidents such as the findings of unmarked graves at former residential schools across Canada and acts of hate towards diverse communities such as Black and Asian communities, have deeply affected our customers, colleagues and the communities we serve. TD stands against all forms of racism and hate and these and other events are stark reminders that there is more work ahead and reinforces D&I as a core value and business imperative for us. Organizations that take a systemic approach to strengthen and embed diversity and inclusion within their business-as-usual processes are outperforming their peers financially.1 Future leaders will be known not only for cultivating an inclusive workplace, but also for providing inclusive customer experiences and being advocates for creating an inclusive society.2

1 Delivering through Diversity
2 Diversity wins, How inclusion matters
  The case for inclusive growth

103-2The management approach and its components

ESG Report page 73
Employment Equity Report
TD Code of Conduct and Ethics
Respectful Workplace Policy
Workplace Accommodation Policy
Workplace Gender Transition Guideline
Equal Employment Opportunity Policy
TD Accessibility Policy

Accountability: The Inclusion and Diversity Leadership Council which sets the strategy and oversees our progress on diversity and inclusion, Diversity Governance, day-to-day implementation- all people managers

Ways we measure our approach: Workforce diversity data measured against available labour market data, Global employee engagement survey results (TD Pulse), our commitment as articulated in the Equal Opportunity Statement, Diversity awareness training for all employees, Employees’ voluntary completion of Employment Equity Survey (Canada), Participation in independent third party surveys, such as DiversityInc Top 50 Companies for Diversity, Human Rights Campaign Corporate Equality Index, Disability Equality Index (DEI) and the Bloomberg Gender Equality Index. TD’s Accessibility and Accommodation policies and Code of Conduct establish principles and standards for diversity and inclusion throughout the organization.

103-3Evaluation of the management approach
ESG Report page 73

GRI 405: Diversity and Equal Opportunity 2016

405-1Diversity of governance bodies and employees
ESG Report page 74-75 for Employee Diversity metrics and ESG Report page 78 for TD’s Workforce Profile for age and employee category
ESG Report: 2021 Performance Data page 85 and PC pages 10-22 and 112-113 for Board Diversity
SDG Target 5.5: Ensure equal opportunities for leadership at all levels.

Material Topic: Talent Attraction, Development and Retention

GRI 103: Management Approach 2016

103-1Explanation of the material topic and its Boundary

ESG Report page 76
ESG Reporting Details page 3

To sustain and grow our legendary customer experience and be the Better Bank, we need to attract, develop, deploy and retain the best talent. With more individuals driven to work for organizations that align with their values, we believe it is our purpose to empower employees to grow their skills, provide opportunities to help achieve career aspirations and create impact at work and in their communities.1


103-2The management approach and its components

ESG Report page 76
ESG Report page 24 for Employee Ombudsman
Senior Customer Complaints Office

Accountability: Senior Executive Vice President, Human Resources, day-to-day People Managers.

How we measure our approach: Retention rates, Employee Engagement Index (EEI), Spend on compensation and benefits, investment in training and effectiveness of programs, Leadership pipeline trainings.

103-3Evaluation of the management approach
ESG Report page 76

GRI 401: Employment 2016

401-1New employee hires and employee turnover
ESG Report page 79
ESG Report: 2021 Performance Data pages 104-105
401-2Benefits provided to full-time employees that are not provided to temporary or part-time employees
Summary of Benefit Programs

GRI 404: Training and Education 2016

404-1Average hours of training per year per employee
ESG Report page 103
SDG Target 4.4: Skills for employment, decent jobs and entrepreneurship.
404-2Programs for upgrading employee skills and transition assistance programs
ESG Report page 76
TD’s Approach to Total Rewards
TD’s Approach to Job Transition

TD specific metric

EEI- Employee Engagement Index
ESG Report page 104
Total spend on compensation and benefits
ESG Report page 81
% women promoted (in Canada) 1

ESG Report page 103

1 Figure represents the percentage of promotions earned by women in Canada

SDG Target 5.1: End all forms of discrimination.
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