Surprising ways to fund graduate and professional school
Congratulations! You’re working toward your masters and/or PhD. Now that you know what you want to study and where you want to go, how are you going to pay for it all? While it’s a big cost, finding ways to fund your education is absolutely possible. As long as you know where to look.
Ask your boss
If you’re going back to school in order to upgrade your skills in your current field, you could get some help from your employer. Sometimes your company is more willing to help an employee go back to school instead of looking for a new hire. Get in touch with your Human Resources department to find out if there are any formal tuition programs.
Work for the school
Most campuses have lots of student jobs available, and some positions are designed specifically designated for students who are in financial need. The key is to look for them-early (think a term ahead).
Pro tip: look for jobs at your campus career centre and your friends on campus who are in a higher year.
If you think you might qualify as a research or teaching assistant, ask your professor or program coordinator directly about available positions. These positions will pay part of your tuition so get out there and show them you are qualified for the position.
Score a scholarship
If you do some research, and apply well in advance, many schools offer scholarships and fellowships. You might have to apply to specific departments to someone associated with your program, so it pays to look into your options as early as possible.
Get the government to pay
You may be lucky enough to be studying in a province that awards scholarships, like the Ontario Graduate Scholarship, or the Pacific Century Graduate Scholarship.
Borrow what you need
There are a lot of credit options out there. TD Line of Credit for Professional and Graduate Students is designed with you in mind. Flexible credit limits based on your field of graduate or professional study, with competitive low interest rates. Visit any TD Canada Trust location for more information.
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